Rose G
On the subject of the Cameron's wealth: As the Mail is a Tory paper, I suspect that it has massaged the numbers down.
The situation with the banks is a bit like postwar Germany under Allied occupation. The Allies could not administer Germany because they did not speak the language, did not have the manpower and soldiers don't know how to do all the jobs done by government officials. So they made a cursory effort to remove the worst of the known Nazi war criminals (usually to work for Uncle Sam as spies or rocket scientists) and left the rest in place with a cursory de-Nazification and re-education programme. Amazingly, Germany is now a decent country able to hold its head up among the civilised nations
With the banks, governments are in the same position. They do not have the skilled manpower to do all the legitimate things banks do. So they can prosecute some of the high profile known criminals and have a few others sacked. But they have to leave most employees, even those at the top, in place. Because they are irreplaceable.
The biggest limiting factor is that almost all the banks have international operations. Many have more employees overseas than in the UK. Foreign governments are unlikely to agree to a British government making unilateral changes that drastically affect their economies.