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Printing money
Anonymous Post
Posted: 24 September 2011 12:17:28(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

This whole situation started in America,where most of the problems usually start.The cause was people getting Loans to purchase
property,even if in some cases they didn't have any income.These outstanding loans were then sold in the form of CDS's from one Company to another each Company making a profit along the line.Added to this was the restless Gambling by the Banks employees who dabbled in EFT's etc.The Govts then started "Printing Money" which was not backed either by Gold as prior to the "Bretton Woods " agreement,or by increase in the GDP.There must be some people who must have "made" a hell of a lot of money as a result of this.As you all know if some body is losing money there must be another person who is gaining.So the question must be who are these people getting very rich,not because the are working hard to produce something ,but because they are carrying out a Fraud.The Euro "setup" is one of the greatest Fraud.The Countries " Piigs" are the most Corrupt and Dishonest and have been "milking" the system for a long time.
Truffle Hunter
Posted: 24 September 2011 13:08:06(UTC)

Joined: 14/11/2010(UTC)
Posts: 7

With many of the Western economies all running huge deficits at a time of near-zero interest rates printing money is not going to work in a way that will have a happy ending.
With Western governments looking for ways to raise revenues without imposing economy-unfriendly taxes, it puzzles me greatly why the big deficit countries, who also happen to have large gold holdings, dont get to together and revalue their gold holdings from $35 per ounce to $2500. At the same time they could declare themselves sellers at that price( in bars or gold bonds backed with gold) and willing buyers at $2200. The result would be a high powered liquidity injection that would rebalance government balance sheets and get the economy moving again. Some countries that have sold gold might not like this solution as it might cause political embarrasment - tough. That shouldnt be allowed to get in the way of speeding up a solution to the high powered liquidity problem that the world faces.
This will never happen because governments love dishonest fiat currency which enables them to enslave their people with debt. More importantly, acknowledging that gold has a meaningful place in the international payments system would be an admisssion of failure of the floating currency system that has been in place sine USA went of the gold standard in 1971. The past 40 years of illusory fiat money wealth is about to be shown up as the charade it really was.
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