Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'
This whole situation started in America,where most of the problems usually start.The cause was people getting Loans to purchase
property,even if in some cases they didn't have any income.These outstanding loans were then sold in the form of CDS's from one Company to another each Company making a profit along the line.Added to this was the restless Gambling by the Banks employees who dabbled in EFT's etc.The Govts then started "Printing Money" which was not backed either by Gold as prior to the "Bretton Woods " agreement,or by increase in the GDP.There must be some people who must have "made" a hell of a lot of money as a result of this.As you all know if some body is losing money there must be another person who is gaining.So the question must be who are these people getting very rich,not because the are working hard to produce something ,but because they are carrying out a Fraud.The Euro "setup" is one of the greatest Fraud.The Countries " Piigs" are the most Corrupt and Dishonest and have been "milking" the system for a long time.