Dust to dust, ashes to ashes - at least we leave something behind when we leave this planet!
The original scheme to create this mirage was based on nothing (or credit/debt) if you like but we seem to have forgotten that - nothing to nothing is no bad deal, but off course we have all bought into the whole consumerism deal with little question - now its pay back time.
I am ever so glad that I own very little, therefore with the little pot I am supposedly guaranteed to get in a few years time, I can go anywhere - I am not tied down by bricks & mortar, in a land that has provided me with a job, but at what cost to my dreams of settling somewhere quite & peaceful, in touch with nature, coping with the daily travails that may bring & feeling utterly at peace with myself.
In the meantime, I am part of a system created for boom & bust; a system intent on using up all of the earth's resources at whatever cost, just so we can think of ourselves as progressive; part of a system that still divides us, that explores our deepest fears & uses these insecurities to make lots of money for someone somewhere; part of a system that still sees honour in selling arms & ammunitions, with nuclear weapons proliferating rather than being sent down the tubes, a world as uncertain as ever in which death & more taxes are the only guarantees, but which politician has the balls to spell it out, so our gullibe electroate can elect the neck lot of idjeets to make our next lot of regulations so more taxes can be conned out of us?