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Where Has All the Wealth Gone?
Rose G
Posted: 23 September 2011 10:26:52(UTC)

Joined: 26/11/2009(UTC)
Posts: 112

If we are unable to cope without the luxuries in life - free air, good quality locally produced food sold at a reasonable price, which includes good quality for the animals we eat as carnivores too, then we will have to seek out more economic ways to live.

We do not need a yacht to enjoy the simple pleasures of live - the views of the ocean are there for all of us.

Unfortunately, having seen how little it takes to shift our focus away from necessities to creating myths of wealth by selling products which have little in the way of health about them but are about how one looks, we are currently on a quest of keeping young, keeping alive past our sell by dates, & completely off course.

Life has always been a difficult mix of hard work, physical toil & trying to live at peace with oneself & with ones neighbours as best we can. In our pursuit for endlessly timewasting ideas of keeping busy all the time, we have too much time on our hands but all used to keep the economy going - buy, buy, buy - surely the resources of this earth are only there for a certain time & it surely is closer to being all used up? We are not able to deal with tough times because we buy the philosophy that we all are worth it.

My work mate comes to work dripping in diamonds & I personally made a decision sometime ago that the few pieces of jewellery of any worth I own can go to my children for keep sake when I am not around, but wear absolutely no jewellery of any kind because I do not agree with how it has been produced, how those who risk their lives to get the bloody things out are never the beneficiaries of the product but Anglo-american or De Beers, who already have enough to buy the world twice over & still have change left over to finance the yacht without which their lives would have little or no meaning for them.

We do not need a home in every town, or a palace in all the main centres - the church owns so much of property that is ill used but this wealth will never be shared by those who do not worship at the altars for false deities. While Pakistan is facing yet another drama after the rainy season, no doubt the elders will be building more mosques, while the people rely on foreign aid to get even one meal a day.

It is sickening to see how children are dying of starvation, while we are bloating ourselves to death with obesity, diabetes, & heart disease. Surely, we are unable to see for the fat obscuring our view!
Anonymous Post
Posted: 23 September 2011 12:30:08(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'


You write:

'surely the resources of this earth are only there for a certain time & it surely is closer to being all used up?'

Sorry, you're wrong - some guy called Einstein worked it all out and matter and energy are interchangeable.

We have an almost infinite supply of energy and are also a very long way off even using what energy we gain every single day by being battered with new supplies of solar energy.

I suppose that if we substituted the word 'energy' for wealth our cups shall never run over, unless you wish to be negative and believe you'll be around when our sun splutters, hiccups and then dies.

I'm with you on not being able to live in one property at a time.

I own two properties - one I live in and one I rent out so neither is uninhabited and once I went on a holiday and had a total of eight couch surfers enjoying my place free of charge so I guess I didn't let it lie fallow.

'bloating ourselves to death with obesity ...' I refuse to eat unless I feel hungry and often forget to eat until I have symptoms such as a headache or growling at people for no good reason.

Luckily I am not without sin and do my best to drain European wine lakes and tobacco mountains as I like to see my ill gotten gains go down the drain or up in smoke.

Rose G
Posted: 23 September 2011 13:00:39(UTC)

Joined: 26/11/2009(UTC)
Posts: 112

I try explaining to my son that I really cannot afford to go out to eat, so I don't or that I cannot any longer afford to pay exhorbitant prices for tickets to concerts where I am not allowed to smoke in case my smoke harms someone, or that I am not entertaining because I have to watch the pennies, you would imagine that I would be as miserable as Job but no.

I applied & got a job out of the rat race, at work within 1 hour of leaving home, & walk through a park where I can hear the birds sing & chirp & feel grateful that I can enjoy these little things that cost nothing.

We have been caught up with the world of consumerism where despite eating ourselves to death, we also want the latest in gastric banding costing huge amounts of money but don't worry, your surgeons are campaigning even as we speak, so that this surgery requiring anaesthesia & all the risks that entails, will be available for all who chose to eat their way to hell.

In the meantime, we have children starving to death despite the billions being reportedly given in charity - dictators are not interested in dealing with poverty, more with growing their own personal wealth.
Robert Court
Posted: 23 September 2011 13:35:17(UTC)

Joined: 22/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 606


I'm NOT a Christian, I'm NOT an atheist, but I AM an agnostic.

However, many religions believe that you should:

'Love thy neighbour as thyself' (to hell with the 'Love thy God with all thy heart and soul' or the price of gold will rocket!)

It's not a bad idea.

Starving kid next door? Do your best to help.

Starving kid three thousand miles away - NOT your responsibility!

Look after you neighbour and let your neighbour look after his/her neighbour down the line and before you know it the whole world's wrongs shall be righted.

Another way of looking at it; say you live in a village.

Your village elders get together and help out your neighbourhood village (which is infested with hoodies and head lice).

Your country does its best to help out other neighbouring countries (better than going to war with them, innit?)

Your continent (EU political thingy institution, 'whatever') can help out other continents.

But you?

Your ONLY responsibility is to look after YOUR own neighbour (i.e. everybody you come into daily contact with).

You are NOT God - let 'God' (or your government/supranational organisation/UN) deal with the bigger picture.

I can't cope with thinking about millions of starving children on the other side of this tiny planet, yet if a neighbour needs my help it is my pleasure to do what I can for them.

I hope my concept of neighbourly responsibility helps you sleep better at night! :)

Posted: 23 September 2011 14:08:20(UTC)

Joined: 21/06/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1

You want to find a good home for your philanthropic money? Try Whole new water systems to provide water for 1000's of rural people at a fraction of the cost for the West. See the recently completed Pawaga scheme bringing water to 16,000 people with the money flowing through local partners not goverments etc.
Posted: 23 September 2011 14:21:17(UTC)

Joined: 23/09/2011(UTC)
Posts: 1

Kind of difficult to accept, but very true Robert.
Rose G
Posted: 23 September 2011 14:35:40(UTC)

Joined: 26/11/2009(UTC)
Posts: 112

I completely accept that I cannot do anything about starving children the world over but also believe that any charitable donations are not well spent - firstly, the money is spent in the country of origin providing jobs & comfort for people in the country where the charity is set up, for which they are able to get away with no contribution in taxes - the people who the donation is supposed to help see very little of the millions donated on their behalf - it is just a big business these days & I for one do not feel my contribution would actually support anyone overseas!

Unfortunately, we live in a world gone mad - can anyone explain how people are paid millions for a job undone or done badly? How can we pay footballers millions of pounds, & yet football clubs regularly go into administration?

How come we are seeing pay scales as never before, in areas which have been completely bankrupted by the million pound bonus culture - we have the BOE promising more money for these people, yet we know the ordinary taxpayer is facing even more cuts in our disposable incomes while the super rich are able to get away with tax avoidance by schemes set up with them in mind so that with the skilful use of their accountants, they can actually benefit from investing in the UK, but can also not contribute in taxation because they have special status - do you not believe that there is an underlying sickness in this kind of society which allows only the super rich to benefit while the rest are driven to ekeing out a living, just existing?
Robert Court
Posted: 23 September 2011 14:51:10(UTC)

Joined: 22/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 606

Rose G,

I believe you missed my point completely, but feel free to take the weight of the world off my shoulders.

Thank you.
Peter Johnson
Posted: 23 September 2011 15:03:09(UTC)

Joined: 27/05/2009(UTC)
Posts: 3

Rose G

I think what your are referring to is about is a corruption of morals, values & responsibility, also because of all the spin there is very little credibility about .


Posted: 23 September 2011 15:53:24(UTC)

Joined: 26/08/2008(UTC)
Posts: 132

Anon1 & Rose, if you support the Jaguar, Aisha, or the Pakistan flood victims or Ethiopia or whatever you see on TV, a sizable chunk goes to paying for the TV ad to the TV company, and then there are the BIG costs of making the ad and then there are the admin costs in the UK so perhaps 10% (maybe, quite likely less) gets to the end 'user' and then the local war lords/terrorists/govts/officials want their slices and also paying for local transportation (at the fullest of local rates) and security so likely 1% gets to the big cat, Aisha, flood/drought/war refugee victim.

so 1p in every pound you give is beneficial is a humungous rip off scheme, and more to the point a lot of the people now breeding in distant lands were living off aid for years so the the more you give, the more you are going to have to give in years to come. Heartless, no, realistic, before I married and then had kids I had to be able to afford it and to do that I had to work hard. I limited my brood to what I could afford and to educate them properly and also provide for my twilight years.

Even then I got robbed of part of my pot by a bleeding heart idiot, who sent a lot of charity money to foreign dictators and politicians, was the one robbing my part and is now going around the world boast that he is a saviour and charging 10s of thousands of pounds for his manure (no, wrong word, manure is a very useful substance, insanity perhaps), to fund his Utopia, the workshy and benefit migrant and seat polishers, effectively a total waste of the wealth created, a white elephant, looks good, doesn't work only eats and needs constant nurture. Govts, allegedly in our name, do this regularly, that is where the wealth goes, useless, non productive people/projects,

End of rant.
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