Just caught up with your last. The median also has its uses in helping to show to what extent the extremes influence the mean. It is possible to have more than one mode i.e. two or more ranges of income into which most people fall. We need to care about the people with very low incomes for practical as well as moral reasons. Those with nothing to lose may become desperate.
Interesting research in the FT on the recent riots shows that less than ten per cent of rioters outside London were gang members against 19 per cent in London. London has its unique set of problems.
High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email to buy additional rights. Statisticians confirmed that overall, just over a quarter of those arrested were aged 10-17 and 46 per cent were between 18 and 24. A third of 10 to 17 year-olds involved in the riots had been excluded from school the previous year, compared with an average of 6 per cent among year 11 pupils – those at GCSE level. The data also showed that two-thirds of young rioters had special educational needs, compared with an average of one-fifth of all pupils in state secondary schools.
The Guardian has been researching the riots in conjunction with the London School of Economics and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.