We instinctively know that the UK is a broken society, yet, when David Cameron said what most think, all hell broke loose, with the pc brigade relatiating with denial and condemnation. DC should have stuck to his guns, armed with this type of ammunition.
This is an excellent presentation which shows just how messed up we are in the UK. The Nordic countries have been engineering their societies for many years to get where they are today. How long will it take the UK to make even a dent in the statistics? Is it even possible when the politicians are only motivated by self interest ...how can they ensure they stay in power or win power, and sod the rest of us? If you feel dis-enfranchised and helpless, you typically don't bother to vote, so why should the politicians care!
My son has lived in Dubai for the past 6 years, and he and his wife-to-be, plus their many ex-pat friends, see no reason why they would ever want to return to their own Country. The result; those we have brought up to be well educated, socially mobile, and entrepreneurial, are leaving our society. Very sad, but totally understandable!
I can foresee a time when we'll have a society dominated by the political classes, those with safe jobs in the public sector telling us what to do and how to do it, a powerless private sector hammered on every front, and a growing tier of the dis-enfranchised. Next step ...social unrest?