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Should we have a 'Robin Hood' tax?
Posted: 04 November 2011 10:41:46(UTC)

Joined: 15/09/2011(UTC)
Posts: 62

OK, I agree the losses in general were larger. However, the point is that the "government" losses on the banks are 1% of the total government debts. Even the 70 bn loss on the bank bailout is largely made up of mistakes by Gordon Brown.
Rich Harris (Citywire)
Posted: 04 November 2011 10:44:37(UTC)

Joined: 08/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 126

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Let me know if this doesn't work or didn't make sense,

Posted: 04 November 2011 10:45:57(UTC)

Joined: 15/09/2011(UTC)
Posts: 62

The REAL losers were the shareholders - your pension funds - and insurance companies so your premiums go up.


I know to my personal cost. However, I'm quite prepared to accept those losses. It was my choice to put money in RBS etc, and I have to take the consequences of those decisions. I was free to do otherwise.

When it comes to government debts, particularly when its hidden off the books, I am not responsible. I like others have been lied to so they can run up the debts, and I haven't been given the vote on the issue either. It's not in any manifesto that they will run a Ponzi. So I'm not responsible. Hence I will avoid the consequences, as will MPs when it comes to their personal wealth.
Posted: 04 November 2011 11:39:54(UTC)

Joined: 10/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 28

Nickle - I agree with you when it is a direct personal investment - but we have little say in many of our pension funds. And we are all hit by higher insurance premiums.

As a Nation we are all responsible in that we elect governments. But most people have a very short term view and want to grab what they can now - so governments can bribe the less educated as if they do not the other lot will get in and do it. So the population is happy to enjoy benefits and services which the country cannot afford but are not prepared to bear the consequences. They go on strike and blame others rather than accept the situation. And the leaders of these sheep encourage these attitudes so that these sheep make things worse.

So not sure how you will avoid the consequences. Let me know how please !!
Posted: 04 November 2011 11:48:21(UTC)

Joined: 15/09/2011(UTC)
Posts: 62

And we are all hit by higher insurance premiums.


Primarily taxes on insurance - that road leads to the government.


As a Nation we are all responsible in that we elect governments.


So far so good. Now, what happens when governments do things that aren't in their manifestos, or don't do things that are in their manifestos.

I'm not responsible for either consequence. I've not had a say, even under the current system. So I'm not responsible for the consequences.

So when the government hands out 170K per year to a benefit claimant in Westminster, don't be surprised when things go wrong. They didn't ask or even tell the electorate when they were standing for election.

So its going tits up. It's going to end like Greece.

So in that situation, you have to take the lesson from the troughers in parliament, and look after yourself first. If you don't you can't look after anyone else.
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