I am pleased that you are getting something out of this mess. We are not ,if it were stable ,life would be different, but not necessarily better for Britain. The pressure here is building for a referendum on Britain's future relationship with Europe. They the Europeans only have themselves to blame for the outcome. Greed, neglect, national insensitivity, and literally an avalanche of useless, costly legislation which has resulted in grinding Europe.s commerce to the point of being totally uncompetetive. If you took the time to go to Brussells you would witness the Bear Garden of a Parliament with laws going through as though they were making cars at Fords. It is a bewildering farce. Even the participants will agree with this out of earshot. Most are afraid to speak up for fear of ridicule.from the inner Pollit Bureau. It is a sham on the Tax Payers of Europe. I went ,as a guest for a week and came back a complete and utter sceptic, and I trust in my own judgement , Nothing I have seen since coming out of Europe has done anything to change this only reinforce my views. Britain is in the wrong place with them , all they want is what they can extract out of Britain.They fear a Referendum here like the Plague believe me.