Fig Lee;131452 wrote:Jimmy Page;131445 wrote:NoMoreKickingCans;131442 wrote:Shouldn’t you review all the papers BEFORE you purchase or decide to purchase !
I couldn't agree more.
I would suggest anyone take their time. it's not the Wild West.
Choose a location; become an expert on local prices; give yourself as long as you need; shortlist a number of properties; get a deal; get legal assistance for searches and conveyancing; resolve ANY and ALL doubts; clarify everything; then, only buy the thing if utterly and completely happy.
Oh, and freehold!
Thanks all as ever for your thoughts.
Yes that's the plan - to review all the papers before proceeding,
My only outlay so far has been on legal fees.
So right now just doing my due diligence.
I'd have to also add to the above list that we never bought a property without a structural survey. Some people may disagree, but it is another step in 'due process' to my mind. I wouldn't buy a second- hand car without some kind of survey either.
As has been said,
if there are any doubts, there can be no doubt. Step back. I couldn't imagine buying a property without satisfactorily addressing every possible problem - both real and imagined.
We always actively looked for problems and were very happy to walk away if something didn't feel right, or remained unresolved. A vendor hustling or pushing too hard was a red line as well.
There was always another property. (Even during the headiest of gazumping periods).