By area, the UK has become the 6th most densly populated country in the world, Under a deliberate policy appplied by successive Labour governments, the British way of life has been irrevocably changed for the worse by a virtual sunami of non EU economic immigrants. It is well documented that some of the latter are living in houses where annual rents are subsidised by taxpayers who could not afford to live in such houses themselves.
We have 1000 convicted foreign criminals walking our streets and a further 4,000 in jail, most of whom it appears cannot be deported for fear of impingeing on their human rights. These are people guilty of very serious crimes including murder, rape and sex trafficking. As if we do not have enough of our own indiginous scum guilty of the same and other serious offences. On top of all this, we have an estimated half million illegal immigrants, whom in the unlikely event of being caught, are taken to court and bailed 'pending further enquiries', only to disappear back into black economy.
With English the most wide spoken language in the world, England in particular is a magnate for immigrants legal/illegal. The catastrophic mistake successive UK governments have made is not to stop immigrants (especially the special case of genuine refugees fleeing persecution, who should be exempted on an annual quota basis), but to allow their entry irrespective of their qualifications in relation to the needs of this country.
The government should also stop the payment of child allowance for more than two children in any one family Eligible immigrants should only be allowed to bring with them immediate family members.