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Small business costs and survival
Prof Eman
Posted: 23 December 2011 17:26:29(UTC)

Joined: 08/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 480

Wanted to share a letter to an Operations Manager of a Utility Company
Dear Sir or Madam
As you are well aware utility costs have grown massively.
As a small business we need to contain costs.
But, it is not helpful if your young ladies overcharge under Variable Direct Debit, and do not credit back until asked to do so.
This makes budgeting very difficult, and costly.
It can drive up ones VAT rate from 5% to 20%
Bring in Climate Levy costs
Once a 20% customer makes it difficult to go back to 5%
The statement you can claim VAT back, is not very helpful, particularly if you are not VAT registered.
Furthermore it can cause one to go over the OD limit with massive bank costs.
I estimate that under the current sustem, it is possible to have utility cost increases of over 50%, from last year, for no reason at all.
I wonder if it would be possible to go back to the good old days, when a fixed amount was paid monthly and adjustments made annually or six monthly?

Please comment and give further details of small business rip offs.
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