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Money v Making Stuff-Should Britain bid farewell to the golden egg of banking.
Posted: 15 December 2011 02:11:58(UTC)

Joined: 24/05/2011(UTC)
Posts: 71

Hi Jeremy,

I checked it and joined , sounds interesting but they don't give the real technical detail which would interest me.

In fact things are going quite well, just made further progress with two academics at Aberdeen University, they are keen to go further, and want to sit down for a reall meeting face to face.
At the same time a VC from London wants a skype call tomorrow, and a third academic at Huddersfield has promised me progress in the new year.

One of them sent me a link to a BBC radio 4 extra program, it seems the day of the lone inventor is at hand!!

Back to the drawing board episode 5
Brilliant program 15 mins, maybe the day of the lone inventor has arrived, you must hear what they said about VCs, not very complimentary? A Welsh inventors club entered 12 ideas in a competition in Geneva and came away with 11 gold medals.
It was very positive and so obviously true to me, and apparently to James Dyson who spoke on the program with a few other enlightened souls,
Ignoring inventors like me is costing the UK billions of pounds a year.

This site is getting so slow it takes me 10 minutes to get to you all.
Prof Eman
Posted: 24 December 2011 10:30:35(UTC)

Joined: 08/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 480

Thought I would bring this to your attention.
The Motley fool-Fool Watch Weekly
The astonishing collapse of MF Global
The global economy has worked its way out of the crater of 2008 financial crisis, but the demise of MF global is exactly the kind of disaster we weren't supposed to see again.
The finanacial industry was supposed to have learned its lesson.
And yet,here we go again
Prof Eman
Posted: 31 December 2011 17:19:24(UTC)

Joined: 08/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 480

A Happy New Year to you all
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