King Lodos;143533 wrote:You still need to be able to answer why it's a better store of value than gold .. Some negatives could be:
– Volatile;
– Potential to be regulated out of existence;
– Easily reproducible (anyone can create a cryptocurrency);
– No tangible value;
– Bitcoin cold storage is considered 'safe', but a memory card at home is nowhere near as safe as gold in a Swiss bank.
The pattern is: speculators buy Bitcoin, then go online and talk it up to get other people buying it .. That is what's happening .. That's a ponzi scheme .. That doesn't mean it won't find a use .. But you need convincing arguments – not buzzwords and low-effort promo
I'm no tech guru and I will try and give a fuller answer here when I have time to go back over my notes.
But as a starter :-
> volatility will flatten out in time, once the market cap is big enough to absorb large buy/sells (it's very early days)
>Once the institutions are in - you can forger it being regulated out of existence - and they're here and growing.
>The network effect has made Bitcoin the winner, many other reproduced coins will blow about like a crisp bag in the wind but they do not have the adoption of Bitcoin.
>Digital currencies are coming, telegraphed by IMF amongst many others. The future has started already, it will become the norm. Most people pay by card on almost every transaction right down to a pint of milk & loaf of bread, without any difficulty.
>Gold will still play a vital role, but the younger generation have no qualms when it comes to investing in digital assets.
Call it a gamble, call it a bubble, call it a hedge, call it insurance, call it a ponzi, call it Pascal's wager, its your call, but to dismiss it, is folly imo especially when a lot smarter folk than me are hodling !
That's what makes a market.