Nice to know that so far and I mean so far us sixty year olds just might keep our serps.
why do I think that somthing is nasty just around the corner,we get shafted by brownie.
Doing a maxwell on the public and private pensions, knicking billions from them.
Oh tell them its becouse they are living longer, that confuse them, stole that money.
To pay for the bloated public jobs creation , now that been drained, the cons, now want to.
use it as there own bank account,making us all pay more into there pensions.
so they can go upper class on the tranatlantic, eating there non vat caviar.
and in oct we will have to belong to a company pension scheme, whoppy wow.
Here we go after a year or too the company will change its pension company.
change to another one, so left with a choice of suspending it or loose loads money from it.
Putting into a new pension company, why o why can I not choose my own pension company.
you take your bank account to a company when you start a job, why not a pension.
somebody on the make, not me tho.
Been a hard working Electrical Engineer all my life, I greave at the loss of real jobs we lost .
over the years, a lost generation of kids, good kids, when in 5 years time, when I retire.
I will leave the country or become a MP show them the real world which begins in England.
Had me rant find a mp to argue against that.