philip gosling;141417 wrote:
But with acceptance in mainstream economics of MMT there is no need for tax increases and as Boris promised billions of savings once we are out of the EU we must be fine surely ?- all those import taxes on champagne, BMW, olive oil, Flowers, Bacon, Wine etc
On that last point...
This is something I've been wondering about. What is the impact to the exchequer from the new "UK Global Tariff" regime? It seems unlikely it's not been examined in some detail, although obviously there'd be huge assumptions/guessing needed around
- No deal vs FTA with the EU.
- How elastic demand is in response to changing tariff rates.
But the only thing I can find even close is a statement on the 20th of Nov.
Quote:The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) will publish a final estimate of UK Global Tariff (UKGT) tariff revenue at the next fiscal event.
Answered by Department for International Trade at
I'd have thought "next fiscal event" should have been the spending review on the 25th... but if there's anything out there I can't find it.
I note the government's own comments on the UKGT largely revolve around how much cheaper it'll make stuff for consumers (food, cars and ceramics excepted): Update: Aha, buried in the middle of I find:
Quote:Some have suggested that one of the benefits of a no-deal Brexit is that those tariffs will provide the Exchequer with a slug of revenue, at the expense of UK consumers who would be paying higher prices in the shops (the ultimate stealth tax).
But the OBR notes that the projected £6bn in additional annual tariff revenue is more than offset by the impact on revenues from the reduction in GDP and so borrowing would be higher by some £11-12bn in the next three years.
(so that'd be £6bn from the "champagne, BMW, olive oil, Flowers, Bacon, Wine" which would be tariff free currently/with a deal).
... and then that leads me to ; the £6bn is mentioned in annex B.17's "no deal" scenario, and the GDP reduction in B.18.