Whilst there is something in what you say, it takes some picking over to find it!
My two basic points are nevertheless valid as pensions were designed originally to provide an income in retirement, NOT to feather a comfortable resignation from responsible society, ie those of us who are upto the challenge of offering a full working life's effort!
There are many employment conditions, primarily in the public sector, which offer the facility to retire early on a "reasonable" pension, as often as not paid out of tax revenue, as most of the schemes are unfunded. Fire service, police, most civil servants, MoD especially, to name some. Many who do take full advantage actually continue in their posts and receive, for some unbelievable reason, both a pension and payment under contract! For why? Because it it's there and current T&C's allow it - that's all!
Don't the shareholders of UK plc deserve better than to be ripped off like this?
Classic case in point! My MP is a relatively youthful retired major. No doubt he is taking both his major's pension AND his MP's salary! For why are we paying him twice? - and both straight out of tax revenue? Because the rules allow him!
It's high time public staff reimbursement in all its forms was reviewed!
I stand by my view that people in both public and private employ should receive reimbursement for their efforts, while working, and that pensions should not be collectable until true retirement at the same date when the OAP becomes payable.
Then all is equitable!
[Of course provision must also be made for the infirm as necessary.]