As far as welfare claimants are concerned, I cannot justify the looting etc. But the looting did not take place because of need, but because of those who do not feel part of a society that cares for those lower down the economic scale - the ability to care for vulnerable people is a direct indicator of a caring society & one which I am proud to contribute towards.
Welfarism is something that we have to address in terms of how it has been abused by a variety of people in the UK.
On the other hand, giving tax breaks to millionaires, lowering corporation taxes is another form of handout which is viewed by most of the Citywire posters as being a good policy - but this too is a form of government spending we cannot afford, but most on this board are in favour off - horses for courses rather than leftwing, methinks!
Mrs T's policies in the 89s was responsible for closing down whole sectors of employment, chief among them were the mines which led to increases in unemployment. These ex miners (mostly in the 40s & 50s) are probably still on benefits because one of the consequences of being long term unemployed is depression leading to other illnesses.
However left wing it is, it is better to keep people in employment than pay for them to be unemployed - the tories have never accepted this as a strategy. They are happy for taxpayers to pay the price for the unemployed, as long as they can claim to have reduced state expenditure, (which they have not actually been able to because the welfare bill has increased, in line with the increases in the numbers of unemployed).