Universal benefits are daft - how can it do any good to give well off pensioners more money they do not require?
Those who are well off and receive these universal benefts, they usually or probably donate it to charity, at least that's what they are saying.
We are living in cloud cuckoo land if we think we can go on supporting the welfare system make life easier for older people, but only in the UK.
Look everywhere else in the world, people look after their own, because the state does not provide this comfort.
I believe our taxes should be reduced, national insurance should be abolished, & people should make their own arrangements for their old age - take a look at what it is costing us to keep people alive at any cost - this may sound cruel, but how on earth are we supposed to keep people in comfort from the cradle to the grave, when many of them no longer contribute to the system - not only the work shy but how about the millionaires who can and do keep their money in tax havens, paying little or no contribution to the UK!
I believe that keeping people alive at all costs is what has got us where we are - it is costing millions to treat dementia, alzhemer's and other chronic debilitating diseases - the medical profession should come clean over what they have become responsible for - keeping people alive on costly medication & other technology, only for the survivors to end up in care homes, most of which are mainly private - not accountable to anyone, where care is if not sub standard, then criminal in the cases we have had reports on. CQC are not fit for purpose, because then do regulate but private companies only have to change their names & continue trading, provided they have the paperwork to prove that they are tackling the problems.
We have an overburdened public sector, trying to play god, & not succeeding very well. Let people take care of their own & it is quite possible, they will be less reliant on others sorting out problems created by those with vested interests.
I have told my son repeatedly, please do not take me to hospital, if possible. Trusting clinicians to do the right thing everytime is unrealistic - these are just ordinary folk like you and me, with a little more experience in cutting up people (surgeons anyway) & sewing them up again - mistakes are made time and again, inspite of the bureacracy created to prove the right paperwork is in place, but the systems are the same old.
The backbone of the NHS and most emergencies are handled by junior staff, sometimes without the experience, training or supervision necessary to undertake procedures with consultants off site, with on call protocols that frequently let very ill patients down.
We are at risk of trusting officialdom inspite of being let down time and again - no man is an island, but making sure you have a supportive family is half the battle. The state should not be providing everything from nappies to incontinent pads to its population - there are some things which the family should take care off!