Trudy Scrumptious;153419 wrote:
Surely a comparison of Morgan Stanley Global Brands and CGT is a comparison of Quality Growth vs Value. The last decade is well documented as being one of huge outperformance of the former at the expense of the latter....You're just moving the goalposts to win an argument.
Is it an argument?? I am not arguing with anyone, sorry if I have given the wrong impression. I hold neither and I honestly don't care! I am just giving my alternative take on the conversation.
Someone else compared Monks to CGT to show the impact of a sell off on an equity fund versus a defensive.
I felt that was an incorrect comparison because Monks has a different manager and totally different approach to what it had at the time of comparison (2008).
Therefore I made a comparison between something which;
a) has the same approach/methodology now as it did then
b) is the closest we have to a Fundsmith of it's time (i.e. low volatility, compounders, conservatively managed)
It seemed sensible to compare to something which had the same approach at the time of comparison versus something with a different manager and approach.....that's all.