Aminatidi;154154 wrote:Isn't it the Tour de France analogy?
It hasn't won every stage but over the long term it's done very well?
I know you know this but not sure you can compare what Fundsmith does to what Blue Whale and Monks are trying to do?
Do you think Whale and fsmith are trying to do different things? listen to them both and they have the same story. Fsmith makes a point of buy and hold, Whale trades more
I have Fsmith as a concentrated global that will outperform the index. If you continue the TdF analogy, did fsmiths legs blow 5 years ago? :) It hasn't won a stage in a long while.
It could be a function of size - I noticed that MNP has holdings in common with Smithson. Monks less concentrated than MNP/Whale/Fsmith/MWY