Yes. It is good to see such a thoughtful argument advanced.
People do have a passion for minding other people's business.
A lot of the problems of intolerance are down to a lack of education. I do mean education and not the passing of exams. The habit of reflection is missing in most of us.
Religion and nationalism are pathological conditions that should be discouraged and never supported by the state. Because sooner or later they encourage the believers to hate the upholders of rival belief systems (or none). This manichean view leads to torture, terrorism, slavery and murder.
Which is not to deny that many religious people do good things and believe that they do them for religious reasons. Since I know many atheists and agnostics who also do good things; it seems obvious that people do good or bad things because they want to, not because of religion.
Moral philosophy should be taught in schools instead of religion. Internationalism should be promoted over chauvinism.
One of the few good things religion ever did was in the middle ages when the concepts of a Christian world discouraged wars between Christian princes. Similarly the Ummah in Islam encouraged cooperation among Muslims and originally between all peoples
Constitution of MedinaBut since these things were made into religious requirements, rather than rational choices, reason was soon abandoned in favour of homicidal mania.