Your post 91Actually, Keynes did borrow to invest, or speculate on his own account. He did not do it with his College's funds.
Keynes the SpeculatorI agree with most of the rest of Post 91.
Having the government buy or build housing for the poor? Don't you know that is shocking, disgusting and immoral? You must be some filthy Socialist. Ask any of Thatcher's goose stepping friends. No, the idea is too sensible for any modern politician to dare adopt it. They would be howled out of office by the Daily Mail.
Your Post 92Making everything yourself, even when foreigners can do it cheaper or better is bad economics. Without your imports, the rest of the world has no cash to buy your exports. Look up "comparative advantage".
Germany did well only by lending money to its customers in peripheral Europe without doing sufficient due diligence on whether those customers were using the money wisely or were likely to pay it back. Now the Germans are upset because they lent money to the prodigal son. The Eurozone mess is as much German made as Greek or Spanish.
The balance of payments does balance: that is why it is called a balance. Current account deficits (buying and selling goods and services) are financed by the capital account (borrowing and lending). How long a current trade deficit can last is like asking how long is a piece of string. Britain exported capital throughout the nineteenth century and ended up owning railways, ports, factories, mines and so on all over the world. This was mostly nationalised and sold off to pay for the two world wars.
Britain's nineteenth century current account surplus was other people's current account deficit and was exactly matched by Britain's capital account deficit and those other countries capital account surplus.
So things are not as desperate as you think on that front. Not to say that I would not prefer to see us become a world leading manufacturing success story. But I am not holding my breath while I wait.
Your Post 93Governments are not like companies and so should not think like them. Aside from having different and wider aims, governments can print money and can mortgage the incomes of future generations.
There is a good case for applying businesslike efficiency to government administration. But politics does and should trump the idea of making a profit. It would be very easy to run the NHS at a profit. Introduce charges and don't treat those who cannot pay. Have a look around at the poorer people you know and see the missing teeth. They cannot afford to pay the NHS dentistry charges. There are three women on the checkouts of my local supermarket who fit that description.
Government should be aware of how businesses think and work. Governments should be aware of the business consequences of their political decisions. Governments should not be businesses.