Harry Trout;165998 wrote:In this thread I'm planning to record evolution in the following ideas:
A move towards individual stocks away from trusts
Swing trading around long term positions
A tilt towards American stocks
Harry Trout;165998 wrote:I have been gradually selling down my Lindsell Train UK Equity OEIC position this year and it will soon fall out of my top 10.
My reasons for this, in order of importance are:
1. I prefer to hold ITs now and FGT Finsbury Growth & Income Trust is available as a replacement. I would rather own FGT now if I want exposure to Nick Train, I do own some FGT (1%) but haven't added since July 2020.
2. I own Diageo, Fevertree, Unilever, London Stock Exchange and Hargreaves Lansdown directly and I'm comfortable doing this so there is no point paying a fee for Nick Train to manage them, he doesn't rotate investments.
3. I feel that a number of the holdings are at a reasonably full price, London Stock Exchange a possible exception that I am happy to hold direct.
4. The fund always underperforms my benchmark VWRL
5. I can also see me selling down Diageo, Fevertree, Unilever and Hargreaves Lansdown in time too, they are all on my selling watchlist due to long term underperformance to VWRL.
6. Anyway today I sold the largest chunk of Lindsell Train UK Equity so far.
Good to see the thinking behind a careful investor.
Following are musings - most definitely not criticisms
1. Counter-strategy ?
2. Like most of Nick Train's holdings these are fine businesses, but this investor reluctant to pay the current price.
That non-rotation is certainly an issue.
3. LSEG ......
P/E = 64.71 (or 36)
P/S = 17.5
P/B = 7.28
ROE = 11.75 (or 20.0)
ROCE = 35% (seems suspect)
Growth = 11%ish region
Debt = negligible
would like to own but even at the reduced price hesitate
one to reflect on
4. Mmmm
5. Where would the proceeds go ?
6. Ditto.
Keep posting as thoughts develop please.