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America Earns $Billions from Chinese Students
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 23 November 2012 04:10:33(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

Chinese Students' Contribution to the US Economy

California earns $1,673.50 million from Chinese students. New York State earns $1,005.30 million. Even Alaska earns $2 million. Most of the Chinese pay full fees and so subsidise the American born students most of whom pay less than full fees.

Meanwhile the UK government bankrupts universities by making it ever more difficult for them to recruit non-EU students. All to halt the drift of Tory voters to the BNP. The CBI says it is worsening the economy, the serious newspapers agree.

Write to whoever misrepresents you in Parliament and explain the economic facts of life to them.
Graham Barlow
Posted: 26 November 2012 10:25:18(UTC)

Joined: 09/03/2009(UTC)
Posts: 203

We were in an old established Brighton Chinese Restuarant yesterday(Sunday) It was choca bloc at 4p.m. nearly all Chinese people having dim sung. There is no shortage of Chinese students in Brighton. Interestingly, there is no shortage of Students in this Town of any Nationality. The trouble is that when they have finished as students 1000s do not wish to return home and they become part of the great urban drift happenning all over the globe. The young seem to crave places like Brighton as the centre of their world which will provide future happiness and contentment. Of course reality is very different, but their student life in Brighton is very beguiling, and they think it can be continued by just staying there.
John Lacy
Posted: 27 November 2012 17:50:06(UTC)

Joined: 14/05/2008(UTC)
Posts: 38

I know what you mean Graham---the numbers of chinese students in the University of York has led to them having a graduation ceremony in the Far East to try to keep their relatives engaged.
If the british students won't take the courses I'd love to see lots of those foreign engineering students make their careers here and boost our economy---I think that they are much more valuable than say our media studies graduates.
Jeremy Bosk
Posted: 27 November 2012 19:17:43(UTC)

Joined: 09/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1,316

About five years back, I attended a conference run by the British Council and various official Chinese bodies. It was all about the labour market in China for returning students. I had the chance to listen to and watch not just the official presentations - which were very good - but talk to students whom I approached. I particularly remember one lad whose fees were being paid by his whole village. He would return, get a wonderful job (he was talking to a UK manufacturer with a factory in China), and fund the next generation. His passionate desire to repay the faith shown in him by the people of his village was humbling. All the students I spoke to had enjoyed their experience in the UK except for one who had experienced racist abuse. Even he said that was not typical. Such attitudes almost guarantee that they will think of the UK in years to come, when they want to buy western technology or recommend overseas universities. The trend is for Chinese to do a first degree at home and the very brightest go overseas for postgraduate studies.

Our universities offer a wonderful way for us to win friends and influence people.
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