Tug Boat;171479 wrote:It’s getting a bit silly. My friend just sold a house for 10% over the asking price.
Most sales are going to sealed bids, and there are very few houses left to buy - lots of flats though.
The South Hams is getting very expensive, but people from London and the midlands keep turning up with sacks full of money.
Not familiar with property prices in your part of Devon, but a recent series on TV highlighted the plight of Cornish fishermen, who fear their sons, whom they hope would inherit their fishing boats, will not be able to afford to buy a home anywhere near the ports they work out of. The ultimate scenario would be the fishing industry in rapid decline, which in turn would affect us all.
It seems logical to me there should be some kind of control over house prices in an area where living in your place of work is vital, and that people from wealthier areas of the country should not be able to purchase property in such areas, as second homes which probably lay empty for much of the year.
I imagine the important fishing port of Brixham in Devon, has the same problem?....If so, why aren't local MP's hammering away for some kind of legislation for a price limitation on properties needed for local fishermen (and others in vital trades for the area)...and certainly for them to be given purchasing priority over wealthy visitors. After all, if people are wealthy enough to buy second homes in the area, then they are also wealthy enough to stay in a local hotel for their visit, thereby benefiting the local area with their custom.