smg8;175715 wrote:Bulldog Drummond;175710 wrote:....... given the rather average performance in recent years......
I think where my opinion differs to yours (aside from which index as we clearly have covered off way too many times that I feel a global index is fair for a global fund and you feel a US index is fair for a global fund) is we must have a different interpretation of average;
If 36/309 and 50/374 is "average" may I ask what would constitute a "good" performance and would be a "poor" one?

My point is about trackers, not about the IA sector, where I agree that comparative performance has been perfectly adequate on the whole in recent years. I remain of the opinion that the Global 100 is a perfectly fair tracker comparison as the universe there is the same as FS. But the S&P is also not unreasonable as, like FS, it is focused on US mega-caps.
The question going forward is whether FS can repeat its early years' performance, given its narrow base and expensive-looking holdings.
Perhaps we should adjourn this one for 12 months and see how things look then?