SimonHughes;176163 wrote:It's an interesting pf. What sort of returns are you getting and which funds are laggards?
Thanks for the question. When assessing performance each month I calculate the annualised returns of each investment that I have held for more than 6 months and then compare to my benchmark Vanguard World Index VWRL.
I categorise the results as follows:
1. Those outperforming VWRL
2. Those underperforming VWRL
3. Cash, bonds and gold (defensives which have no chance of outperforming VWRL over the long term)
Since I started doing this in October 2017 the results as a monthly average are as follows (using the same categorisation above:
1. 64.4%
2. 14.9%
3. 20.7%
I like to look at it this way to strip out the lagging effect of category 3. I want to know how I am doing at picking things that outperform VWRL.
In terms of laggards I have the following on my sell list (consistently underperforming VWRL and doubts about an improvement):
Diageo (may sell some today)
Finsbury Growth & Income
Lindsell Train UK Equity (already sold a fair bit)
Buffettology is also on the naughty step but I'm holding for now, not adding.
Hope this answers your question