My personal inclination on the original question leans towards those who say 'rent rather than buy' and 'why have the hassle of managing a property at arms' length', but I accept it's a matter of personal choice and certainly different if you intend to spend more than just a few weeks' holiday there. (I personally dealt with the issue via a 'co-ownership' scheme which gives me access to up to 10 properties in different locations without the bother of management, but I'm treating it more as a convenient holiday arrangement rather than an investment!). But in relation to the question of buying in Spain now whilst there are perceived to be 'bargains' to be had, surely the greatest risk is in the Euro? The problems of the Eurozone have not been resolved, they have just been deferred by Mario Draghi's OMT and if his bluff is called or, more likely, interest rates rise, pressure will be right back on Greece followed by the other 'usual culprits' including Spain. If, (and I know it's a big if), these economies are forced out of the Euro, then they will revert to their own currencies and your Euro-paid villa is suddenly valued in de-valued Pesetas. Ouch! Buy it if you want it but the risk is in the currency.