Brian - go back to the first post and you'll see Confused Dad talks of just £25k to open the SIPP.
No way he should consider off-piste investments with such a small initial pot.
Confused Dad - The first and most important decision is which provider to use. Using Sippdeal is the first absolute. Click onto the link then scroll down and you'll see you can compare everything very easily. Sippdeal is the original online SIPP provider - still the best & still the cheapest. to where to invest your pot - the closed-end trust sector is perfect for those preferring to delegate a degree of management to the expertise of a third party. However don't BUY & FORGET. Keep a track of your holdings; and regularly compare performance. Make decisions on Market sectors, with special consideration of currency and country.
Don't think that ITs are just portfolios of FTSE100 companies - if you want that - BUY a tracker!
Haven't got the time to say much further other than:
1 - Don't over-diversify - to do so guarantees an average performance
2 - Do buy a property trust - at the moment I would recommend PCTN
3 - Do buy a Private Equity trust - at the moment I would recommend HVPE
Finally, you will find an active investment trust thread on The Motley Fool website ("TMF") . TMF has many wafflers, more than on other sites ; but mercifully a few experts do post - you will learn to differentiate...