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Is there anything credible about unemployment data?
Deborah Hyde (Citywire)
Posted: 16 June 2010 10:52:47(UTC)

Joined: 10/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 36

Today's data shows the unemployment fell back from April's peak. But the data also shows that more than 8 million people of working age are out of work but not included in the official figure.

Shouldn't we have a better idea of who is now dependent on a partner or parent, who is working part-time when they want to be working full-time and who is trying to live hand to mouth hoping things will get better?

With some suggesting 725,000 people employed in the public sector are set to lose their jobs, can the private sector pick up the slack from those people and all the other people not in the official figures.?
Hugo First
Posted: 16 June 2010 12:32:21(UTC)

Joined: 23/03/2007(UTC)
Posts: 9

Other points that you did not mention are that the previous government adopted policies that had the effect of moving people off the unemployment registers but not into useful employment. For example, raising the school leaving age and encouraging more people to go to University may have been useful social policies for some, but they also took people out of the unemployment data. Some of these people would probably rather be working, and might be better off doing so. And a large number of people who are officially on disability and sickness benefit (sorry - I don't know the numbers or the official titles for the benefits) could and should be working if there were suitable jobs and the welfare system did not leave them financially worse off by going back to work than staying on benefit. Unfortunately we have created a culture of learned helplessness for many, and done very little to encourage job creation in the private sector, which is where most of the wealth is created. The public sector, necessary though some of it is, simply takes money from the private and spreads it around, often inefficiently. It doesn't create much wealth itself.

The bottom line is that the real unemployment number is well north of three million and it is hard to see the private sector making much of a dent in it, at least in the short term and with jobs that don't involve stacking shelves or flipping hamburgers.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 16 June 2010 12:51:15(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

Me thinks the cash in hand economy is alive and well. VAT collects some of that cash.
Why not really hike VAT, except food/heating and essentials, to recover more of the cash payments, and
compensate by lower income taxes.
Seems it's always the legit folk who pays the most.
Posted: 16 June 2010 18:11:49(UTC)

Joined: 12/06/2009(UTC)
Posts: 1

Dear deluded people! The true unemployment figure including the official unemployed, those on disability benefits who shouldn't be (estimated at more than 75% of the total), those not known to the authorities (disillusioned unemployed, middle class living on savings and seeking work etc and those in the black economy not fulfilling socially acceptable work ie drug distribution and similar criminal activities plus NEETS and part timers who would like proper work is more like 8 million yes folks that's 8 million. And that's not counting public sector non-jobs to do with diversity and such rubbish.......
Posted: 17 June 2010 08:45:34(UTC)

Joined: 11/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 266

The high VAT and low income tax (anonymous1) system is alive and well in Portugal. Basic tax allowance is around 12000 euros (hope cleggy is reading this) while minimum wage is 450 per month, consequently the majority are of no interest to the taxman. I spend a great deal of time there and am very tempted to make it permanent.
I agree with the 8 mill figure but in addition there are many retired early or redundant older people who are written off by the system ie: if you have a small amount in saving or payoff and 30yrs of NI paid then you simply do not exist. My wife and I are two and many freinds we have also. These must add millions more. Are we rich? well we rent a rotting caravan from a large family who are milking the system for all it's worth, black economy of course.
Finally the practise of classing 10-16 hours as employed is another source employment fiction. Nice one gordon.
Adrian Grant
Posted: 17 June 2010 12:04:09(UTC)

Joined: 16/08/2006(UTC)
Posts: 1

When are people going to WAKE UP. The facts are that c£10m+ are unemployed. We have constructed a society that has done everything possible to eliminate jobs and then paid people a good living for doing nothing. The result is unhappiness, poverty, crime and a crumbling of society. Many have to work themselves into the ground while others waste their lives in idleness.

There needs to be a complete rethink. It will only get worse. Communism didnt work, capitalism is now failing, any ideas?? Is anyone even looking for an answer?
Mike H
Posted: 22 June 2010 12:04:34(UTC)

Joined: 03/08/2008(UTC)
Posts: 1

They are certainly not reading these comments or any other on Citywire. They are too full of their own self-importance and watching their millions grow! £4M and counting George?
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