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Your Pension, Your ISA or Your Property - how would you choose to invest a £100k windfall?
Pensions Angel
Posted: 29 June 2010 17:58:36(UTC)

Joined: 28/01/2009(UTC)
Posts: 4

It is a funny old world we live in. Take a step back from all the billions of marketing spent on advertising by leading investment houses, banks and product providers and simply ask the representatives, agents, professional advisors, investment managers, marketing agencies and financial journalists where they would invest a £100k windfall and you might be suprised to learn the results.

Over the past 12 months, including the last New Model Advisor awards earlier this year, we have been covertly recording the decisions of numerous investment house representatives, professional advisors and those from the world of spin to understand where 'those in the know' prefer to invest their own cash for the long term.

Assuming there was no annual restriction on ISA allowances, flexible enough pension funding rules (at least for the time being) and the present glut of knock down property available from here to timbuktoo, where do you think the overwhelming choice of 'those in the know' would invest a £100k windfall? The result is perhaps rather predictable, but none the less still highly amusing to publish, should any fiscal study group or government quango body like to know.

It is perhaps more useful to concentrate on the fact that our own research shows the desire to save for most people is there and they want to be responsible, it's just that the 'savings industry' is increasingly failing to convince the consumer that it should be with them.

The consumer has been exercising their right to decide on where their hard earned savings should go, much in the same way as 'those in the know' have being do so wisely as well.

A further simple question posed to professional advisors over the same period perhaps gives the clearest indication of the problems facing the savings industry today;

'How many clients have you managed to obtain financial security for by using mainstream product provider solutions over the past 20 years?'

It is at this point the problem facing our 'savings industry' perhaps begins to explain why the consumer and 'those in the know' are increasingly wising up to 'blind faith' investing.

Quite simply the 'savings industry' has to do better and product providers need to raise their game, be revolutionary and stop sticking their heads in the sand and believing that more of the same (supported by slick administration) is the answer.

Want to particpate? Do you think the savings industry needs to be doing more to win back your trust? Please post your views below;

Where would you invest a £100k windfall, Pension, ISA or Property?
Are you an advisor who has managed the impossible and secured financial freedom for your clients using mainstream provider products over the past 20 or so years? What's the secret of your success and what regular savings product did you use?
Anonymous Post
Posted: 30 June 2010 18:28:04(UTC)
Anonymous 1 needed this 'Off the Record'

Presumably, not in the Bank, but can no one come up with any answers?!! Lloyds TSB and Bank of Scotland have not exactly been safe havens, let alone some of their advisors saying to hold on to BP!
Posted: 01 July 2010 10:18:26(UTC)

Joined: 14/09/2009(UTC)
Posts: 1

How about £25k in each of the following:- Banco Santander, Barclays,HSBC and Standard Charter. How do you think that will look in a years time?
Philip Parkin
Posted: 01 July 2010 13:47:30(UTC)

Joined: 21/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2

Buy a £100k `s worth of GOLD sovereigns because in a few years time the way things are going it will be the only currency with any real value.
Posted: 01 July 2010 16:07:06(UTC)

Joined: 11/04/2006(UTC)
Posts: 11

For decent returns I would invest in none of those 3 unless you could buy AIM shares with dual listings and put them in an ISA. Then I would choose 2 - 4 enterprising shares and take a 1-2 year view, then rotate. AIM needs regulating as it is rotten to the core with broker and market maker corruption and insider dealing, but there is serious money to be made on some stocks. I will not drop names here, do your own research.
harry merrison
Posted: 01 July 2010 18:47:33(UTC)

Joined: 26/01/2010(UTC)
Posts: 1

I have already done this and it has not worked out too badly.......

I i bought £30,000 premium bonds and have had £350 in prize money in about 6 months - pure luck ?

I bought £30000 in NS&I savings at 2.75% , one year payable this October.

Also I put £30000 into a savings account with Alliance & Leicester (immediate withdrawal, no fees for
early withdrawal) paying 2.24% net of tax.

I also put £30000 into Legal & General unit trusts, mostly Pacific and USA, also some Japan. I am showing
a quite nice profit on these

If I had more funds available I would buy into Platinum.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 05 July 2010 11:16:13(UTC)
Anonymous 2 needed this 'Off the Record'

Do not bother with premium bonds mate.

Have the full amount and was "lucky" to win £300 in the last year. In the process of selling them.
Posted: 06 July 2010 09:46:23(UTC)

Joined: 23/04/2010(UTC)
Posts: 2

I'm new to this 'game'. I wasn't able to find a local IFA to help me. One that I did suggested that given my position I could do the research as weill as he could! But back to the point - rather than seek input to this question, and I can't see too many people giving up their IPR, how about the following?

I think that a great facility would be a regular starter section, for example each month four respected individuals comment on how they would invest £10K, £100K and £200K. I guess above that level you'd either have the knowledge or an adviser. It could be four different individuals for each area. the individuals could rotate each month.

Just an idea but such a rotating view point is something that seems to be missing unless someone can point me in the right direction.
Anonymous Post
Posted: 06 July 2010 13:07:34(UTC)
Anonymous 3 needed this 'Off the Record'

> Do not bother with premium bonds mate.

> Have the full amount and was "lucky" to win £300 in the last year. In the process of selling them.

I've had the full amount for years and that's the least I've won in a year. Since 1993 I've won 400, 500, 350, 500, 400, 850, 650, 400, 450, 1250, 750, 300, 600, 950, 1100, 550 and 650. I'm at £300 already this year, including 5x£25 this month.
roy dibden
Posted: 08 July 2010 19:37:53(UTC)

Joined: 21/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 13

My policy has been to spend a lot of time studying the markets and not trying to follow the sheep, for example I sold out in China late last year as I find the Chinese leaders have a strange idea about democracy,they are dealing under the table all the time and then sending foreigners to prison. I don't like the American President,his language with BP has been shocking so I am very wary of the States.Likewise the politicians within Europe are cooking the books over the Stress test for their banks.
So how have I managed my investments,I have gone for WATER,there are some good yields amongst them but my best line which is substantial is AIR LIQUIDE in France, present in 74 countries and has always paid a div,a real world wide business.
Only invest in things you understand, a quote from Warren Buffet,he is building his holding in Tesco by the way.

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