countrymum;202353 wrote:Harry Trout;202346 wrote:The show is free, as are his e-books.
Thanks Harry.
Have you downloaded his free e-book "the ultimate guide to moving averages"?
If so, is it any good?
(not that I want to be a trader - just constantly want to learn)
Hi Countrymum, yes I have and it's a good intro to moving averages.
I would say though that watching Scott use moving averages live in current stocks is where greater value lies. He also posts on Twitter throughout each trading day.
For some more in-depth but very readable ideas in this area I would definitely recommend Stan Weinstein's book "Secrets For Profiting In Bull And Bear Markets". I like this for the "Stage Analysis" idea which helps you to define your timeframe and then to interpret which stage a stock might be in. It's not easy but I think I'm getting better at it.
On page 1 Stan sets the scene as follows:
"Buy low, sell high is a cliche, not a blueprint for action. It blinds investors to the professionals' approach of buying high and selling higher which I'll teach you to do consistently"
I got to know Scott Redler's style whilst reading the Stan Weinstein's book and they dovetail very nicely.
Certainly not a panacea but feel they help me to structure a repeatable process ............