Hmm... I'm not convinced the spaces that produces are monospaced though.
Each of these rows is 14 characters, using that   but they come out (for me) unaligned (Firefox 91.5; not tried anything else). Should be straight columns of 'x's on the right of each group.
x x
x x x
xx xx xx
xxx xxx xxx
Did wonder if /   would be any better but apparently not.
x x
x x x
xx xx xx
xxx xxx xxx
How about   ?
x x
x x x
xx xx xx
xxx xxx xxx
Hmmm... that one is lined up in the editor, unlike the other ones, but when it's posted it's still a mess (although less so than the other ones).
Curiously I can get that last one (only) to work as expected if I open the developer tools and change the CSS for ".innercode" by un-ticking (ie removing the effect of) its "font-family: "courier new", "times new roman", monospace;" line but that's not exactly a portable solution.
A bit more fiddling reveals it can also be fixed by changing that CSS line's font list's "courier new" to "courier", or getting rid of the "times new roman" (which I don't think is monospaced). A bit more investigation shows I don't appear to have a "Courier New" font installed (so it was failing over to the non-monospaced times new roman font)... but that's likely to be a "just me" problem (investigating fixing that now).
Ah, more fiddling found some Firefox settings that were overriding some font choices with other "system default" ones (no idea why; probably an ill advised attempt to "unify" the system's "look"). Disabled that and
all the above look perfectly lined up as intended.
For the avoidance of doubt, here's how the code sections above look for me now: