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Eating the crumbs from the rich man's table
Posted: 06 December 2011 20:39:54(UTC)

Joined: 08/07/2008(UTC)
Posts: 11

Robert, nobody who does not work believes they can exist on thin air.
They live on on money provided by people who work.
Robert Court
Posted: 06 December 2011 20:46:41(UTC)

Joined: 22/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 606


Sure, but they believe it's magically created by the state and have zero concept that other's are going without for their benefit; there is no guilt, there is no 'thank you' there is just 'it is my right'.

Some can say they themselves paid their contributions over many years before they themselves fell on hard times, but there are also many who have never earned a single day's pay in their entire lives - and how do we help them?
Posted: 06 December 2011 22:43:07(UTC)

Joined: 26/08/2008(UTC)
Posts: 132

And just how many of theses are doing part time work, perhaps full time in the 'black' economy'? A fair many I reckon.

So still cheating!
Posted: 06 December 2011 22:45:58(UTC)

Joined: 26/08/2008(UTC)
Posts: 132

Cash in hand.
Posted: 06 December 2011 22:53:55(UTC)

Joined: 08/07/2008(UTC)
Posts: 11

Robert agree 100%.
The welfare system was meant to be a temporary help tp people who
had fallen on hard times.
Now it is a life style choice.
No one should be paid to sit on their back sides sucking on a bottle of cider
& watching day time tv.
Posted: 07 December 2011 00:36:05(UTC)

Joined: 26/08/2008(UTC)
Posts: 132

Seahound, so unworldly, certainly on something, new borns generally indulge!
Artemis Gorgo
Posted: 07 December 2011 08:31:17(UTC)

Joined: 11/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 6

Lie, damned lies and statistics

As with so many 'reports' headlines will be grabbed/ construed to futher a personal agenda or prejuduce. This is a classic example. If you want to take the bare results you could argue capitalism doesn't work; the poor are natural prey for the rich; social injustices are growing etc.etc. etc. What is not taken into acount is a real understanding of what is driving the trend - is it longer working hours by some? is it choices/ opportunites for people to work more part-time (single parents, married parents where one partner decides to take on some part-time or unskilled full time work because they have the opportunity to do so which they did not have before)? is it changes in law which allow older people to work past their retiement age? or is it simply that we have reached a level of wealth that people are making choices in life which are simply not about working hard and earning as much as possible and therefore we are looking at a meaningless statistic? etc. etc. etc.

Of course, how you react to this comment will reflect your personal agenda too.

Robert Court
Posted: 07 December 2011 09:27:00(UTC)

Joined: 22/08/2011(UTC)
Posts: 606

Artemis Gorgo

Good points.

I do see a trend towards only 1% of the population provide all the food and manufactured goods (and, ultimately, services) we need.

So what would happen if 99% didn't need to work?

Would the 1% be happy to provide for the 99%?

Would you be happy just to work for bloated consumers or would you like less bloated consumers to feed and provide for?

Do we move towards some Utopian society of plenty?


Do we move towards a huge underclass ruled by the few in power who would now have riches beyond our wildest dreams?
Daniel L
Posted: 20 August 2013 19:03:39(UTC)

Joined: 12/08/2013(UTC)
Posts: 25

I think that some people who are on the bottom and needing the assistance aren't always just looking for hand outs, just like all the people on the top don't feel like they should avoid taxes as much as possible. Look at Bill Gates, he gives to so many charities and is perfectly fine with paying more taxes than he already pays...
Posted: 22 August 2016 12:51:49(UTC)

Joined: 25/01/2014(UTC)
Posts: 49

Saint William and his travails along the road to redemption. The end justifies the means.

Just remember to overlook the decades of greedy monopolistic, anti competition, tax dodging, slave waging and how much of the money he donates is coming from other, sincere and less publicity hungry beneficiaries donating to his 'foundation'
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