I must say that I am disappointed with the performance of the underlying holdings.
Not sure whether these figues are upto date but what I have is:
Stock, % of equity holdings, YTD performance
UMG 29% -15%
Dominos 7% -18%
Howard Hughes 9% -11%
Rest. Brands 12% -9%
Hilton WW 13% -12%
Lowes 17% -11%
Chipotle 12% -15%
Fannie Mae 1% -9%
ALL 100% -13%
Assuming the above counts for about 75% of the assets, the rest being cash/hedging at the current price this would suggest the discount to NA value is about 37-39%.
All very rough and ready and you never quite know what is going on with this company, but I had expected the equity holdings to do better.