A few random thoughts from an Edinburgh resident:
- Which area of Edinburgh is it? Properties in the "nice bits of town" always seem much in demand, especially in the tourist town for AirBnB type properties or for student HMOs. And I don't see much sign of that changing. Not so sure about the more outlying regions though. (And be aware there has been much talk of a crackdown on short-term letting e.g
https://www.edinburghliv...ncil-crackdown-21303711 , although the reality seems to be that the council has less appetite for controls than long suffering residents do).
- "Approx value is £210k". Was that a "probate valuation" for the estate executors? I believe those are generally lower than the normal sort of valuation an estate agent would give.
- If not already aware: property sales in Scotland generally operate on a "offers over" sealed bids system. IMHO, this greatly favours the seller - at least when the market is buoyant - as desperate buyers put in highball offers to have a chance of winning anything. In more depressed times, more properties seem to be offered at a "fixed price" (which will then be reduced until someone bites). Not noticed any of those in local property sales recently though. If *I* was your relative, I'd be wanting *you* to have to put in just such a "sealed bid" yourself and compete with other potential buyers, to maximise *my* profit. Note also that due to "anti-gazumping rules" Scottish solicitors probably wouldn't be happy collaborating with any process that put the property out to sealed bids offers, but then gave you an option to match the highest bid. However it's also true that the seller is under no obligation to accept the highest sealed bid offer or indeed any of them, so there may be some wriggle room.
- Local online chat group seems to have many threads along the lines of "I need a plumber/electrician/builder/decorator" / "We use X" / "I tried them and they said they're so booked up they're not taking on new jobs". And that's been the trend since all the Polish people disappeared. A property we let out just needed a refresh of paintwork between tenants and all the quotes were about double what we expected. Don't know if you've factored that into your cost calculations.
- I get the impression buyers are either perfectly prepared to take on fixer-uppers (certainly a couple of "old lady's flats" sold near us recently - quickly and easily it seemed to me from the short times the for-sale posts were up - and from what we could see of photos on the ESPC site little or no effort to modernize the interiors) OR they want to buy somewhere completely finished they can immediately rent out (or AirBnB) or move into themselves and start using. IMHO there's little point in spending thousands to only do a halfway job; the former group's budget is based on gutting and refreshing the place completely anyway, and the latter group isn't interested in half finished cosmetic efforts that'll need further attention. Honestly no idea how much of a spread there is between what the two groups are prepared to pay though.