Ad B;206485 wrote:Without knowing your situation (so treat that as the biggest caveat), have you done exercises to see whether its worth incorporating the properties inside a ltd wrapper? There are pros and cons, stamp duty (potentially) on the way in, but perhaps if loan finance is a significant cost, then worth looking at (since loan interest is allowable inside the corporate shell, but not an allowable cost if owned by you directly.
Please treat that not as advice, as it entirely depends on your overall circumstances.
I have thought about this, as I understand if I transfer from private name ownership to a company structure I could be liable for stamp duty and capital gains tax on the transfer as it’s basically selling from one entity to another. I have heard if the property is owned as a partnership ( even a 1 percent partner) for a number of years before such a transfer there could be some relief on the transfer taxes …. don’t know this for sure.
In 2021/2022 tax year I will effectively be taxed as a higher rate earner because of this removal of mortgage interest from the profits that came into full effect in 2020/21 and then get the 20 basic rate deduction on the interest amount. I estimate I’ll be paying an extra 3000 to 4000 in tax as a result as my mortgage interest is 20000 . So in conclusion I think moving to company structure ( transfer taxes, potential higher mortgage rates, higher accountancy fees) might not be worthwhile as I plan to just stick with what I have as it’s hard to manage for me anyway.
I might try and space out my major renovations, not improvements (which have to be capitalised) to the rooms ( some properties are HMO’s) to bring the profit down as much as possible every year within limits of course.