Quote:not as one lump but as (say) 5 tranches
I think that is an interesting idea, not just for deciding on an investment allocation, but also potentially for rationalising in our own head changes in portfolio value.
It has some parallels with the idea of bond ladders I guess.
For a retiree, taking maybe 4%pa for 25 years...
0-5 years 100% cash/savings bonds
5-10 years 100% defensive/wealth preservation
10-15 years 60% stocks/40% defensive
15-20 years 80% stocks
20-25 years 100% stocks
Gives 48% stocks, 32% WP, 20% cash ?
In a 40% stocks crash, portfolio might fall 20% ish with 10-25 years to fully recover ?
Some regular rebalancing required I suppose.
Not sure how it would compare with 60-40 with rebalancing.
I always wonder with things like rebalancing whether it should be ‘opportunity’ based - i think most people would think the best time to buy stocks is after a crash - but maybe that is a fallacy ?