Ian Eccles;209952 wrote:It's not for me to tell you how to spend your money but you already know how to trade...buy low sell high it's that simple.
Go down to your local library there are shelves full of books telling you how to make money on the stock market and it's free .
Read Keynes
and read the Berkshire Hathaway letters to Investors
and I always recommend the Fundsmith ASMs
Good investments are based on earnings and the ability of companies to grow and protect them. It is very simple.
"Buy low, sell high" is a great idea. It goes with "run your winners and cut your losers" and the "only way to make a small fortune trading is to start off with a large fortune"
All good things and true to a great extent but also nonsense as there is nothing actionable about them.
If you want to be rich play football better than Lionel Messi - absolutely true but not particularly useful advice.