Rookie Investor;213832 wrote:Raj K;213738 wrote:Mr GL;213585 wrote:Raj K;213479 wrote:Harry i see Berkshire is quite a small position in your portfolio. Do you see any value in Berkshire at the moment? I have been invested in Berkshire since 2014 but reading a few articles lately, trying to guage where it will go from here indicates it may only compound at 6-7% from her on in (which may still be good if S&P500 achieves less)
I too have followed BRK/b and been in and out of it a few times... I think it tends to outperform in the early stages of a market correction as many marginal investors use it as a cash buffer / wealth preserver proxy... but when things get really bad they rotate out of BRK (as it would have significantly outperformed on the way down) and buy into the truly beaten up stuff... I dont own it currently but am interested in opinions from other perspectives...
I wonder if Berskshire can outperform the S&P for the next ten years ? As the S &P is overvalued and Berkshire is valued at a more modest multiple of its operating earnings it could be quite possible. Also the regulated energy and railroad businesses should be able to increase prices if the input costs increase. I kind of see Berkshire as an index fund but with better quality and a cash pile that can take advantage of opportunities at the right prices , so value investing but doing so in good companies.
I expect Berkshire to at the very least outperform the S&P in risk adjusted terms. It also stands a good chance of outperforming in absolute terms over the long term (10 years+).
That is one of the main reasons why I am building a position in Berkshire by selling off opportunistically my tech holdings and other US holdings. I can settle in USD in my broker account so was looking for a long term "safe-ish" US holding and Berkshire ticks a lot of boxes. It is a way to reduce risk (which I need to do).
Berkshire is not exactly a wealth preservation fund like CGT/PNL etc, far from it. But it is a lot closer to being a wealth preserver over the medium to long term than a typical 100% equity fund, passive or otherwise. It therefore fits quite nicely in between my wealth preservation holdings and full on equity risk holdings. I purposefully kept it outside my ISA as no dividend tax shelter is required, nor do I expect huge capital gains. It is a slow steady compounder.
Its amazing how certain you can be about the next 10 years.......IMO no one can tell you what will happen in the future. If it's so simple everyone would do it then it would not work. Last year we saw how many said EWI/SMT were the answer to long term investment. How many years will it take to recover the loss....don't reply as no answer even though many will try.
Simple facts when investing in IT/ICs ....when paying a premium you will underperform the underlying the shares and buying a discount you will outperform the underlying shares. Remember many of those
KL will tell us about with all their great skills can't access this market place whereas we can take full advantage of the many anomalies. Investors like CGT and myself added much value over many years understanding the many structures and many type of shares. One thing I totally agree with KL is you need to be "different"...Please don't go down the route of looking back and then believing it will all repeat itself.
To-days share price is a factor of every investor in the world and IMO opinion is the only fact you need to invest. It should be the correct price based on the balance of buyers and sellers who have all completed their research.