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Is Santander biting off more than it can chew?
Posted: 04 August 2010 18:35:40(UTC)

Joined: 04/02/2008(UTC)
Posts: 56

These guys are huge and from what is written above they are not so good at micro management.
But for the long term are they really that good at macro management?
Sure they have built up a huge global conglomerate very quickly, so what?
Again I ask what is their exposure in the Spanish mortgage market and how much have they lent to Eastern Europe?
I somewhat agree with with William Jordan #16 above.
There is something not quite right here, no I am NOT being a 'Little Englander'.
I guess we will have to wait and see, meanwhile trusting that the Bank of England has got this one right.
All a bit scary methinks.
Ian Phillips
Posted: 04 August 2010 19:49:00(UTC)

Joined: 10/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 36

I agree with Len Murray and made the same point a couple of posts before him.........surely somebody at Citywire can answer this?!
Victoria Bischoff (Citywire)
Posted: 05 August 2010 07:51:57(UTC)

Joined: 08/03/2010(UTC)
Posts: 96

To help clear up some of the confusion -

Santander is not only buying the actual Royal Bank of Scotland branches i.e. the buildings; the branch customers will also be transferred from RBS accounts to Santander accounts.

RBS said they will be writing to notify customers of the changes over the next 18 months, and that customers who do not want to transfer to Santander accounts will have to opt out when the time comes. For now, there will be no immediate changes to customer accounts.

Posted: 05 August 2010 12:53:05(UTC)

Joined: 23/05/2010(UTC)
Posts: 3

I am a long-standing customer of RBS, having opened a current account with Williams & Glyn's back in the 1970s. I still have that account, with a London RBS branch, but I now have another current account used for household expenses with a branch in Kent and an on-line deposit account, which is based in Glasgow, insofar as an on-line account can be based anywhere. I shuffle money between the three accounts using internet banking.

Have all RBS's English branches been sold? If not, I could find myself with one RBS current account and one Santander. Also if the deposit account stays with RBS, as it is based in Scotland, I could find myself losing my instant transfer facility to and from one or both my current accounts.
Chris G
Posted: 05 August 2010 14:13:50(UTC)

Joined: 22/06/2010(UTC)
Posts: 4

Sceptic, as I understand things, all RBS-branded branches in England & Wales are included in the deal. However, there are actually two RBS branches in Central London which I understand are not included in the deal, because, although they are RBS and have an RBS sort-code, they are not in fact branded RBS. Those two branches are Drummonds (in Trafalgar Square by Admiralty Arch) and Child & Co (at the top end of Fleet Street). Assuming I've got my facts right, you might want to see if you can transfer your accounts to one of them. You'll then still have everything under one roof and also retain the ability to pay-in and do things in NatWest branches wherever you are!
pedant landlord
Posted: 05 August 2010 15:27:41(UTC)

Joined: 19/07/2010(UTC)
Posts: 3

I have had very bad customer service from Santander (Cahoot current a/c) but the business account my husband and I jointly have with Abbey has been fine. However, I am concerned that, despite never having taken out any business with Santander, all my financial affairs are rapidly being swallowed by the Spanish giant. If they take over Egg, this will mean all my current, business and savings accounts are with them and I suppose only £50000 will be safe if they over-extend themselves and go to the wall. Needless to say, I am researching alternatives from the diminishing pool available to low-income pensioners like me.
Posted: 06 August 2010 10:09:14(UTC)

Joined: 08/10/2009(UTC)
Posts: 2

I have accounts with both RBS and NatWest, RBS have always been excellent in my experience.
I wouldn't be in a rush to move your account to NatWest, based on my experience - they are very casual in their attitude, hopelessly slow in responding to any communication and it takes months and numerous letters/phone calls to organise online banking.
It is only the inconvenience of moving that is preventing me at the moment.

Surely the branches Santander are buying are only a fraction of the total RBS branches? Otherwise RBS will end up being a virtual bank?
John Howard Norfolk
Posted: 09 August 2010 15:43:59(UTC)

Joined: 09/08/2010(UTC)
Posts: 26

Unless you actually NEED to enter the premises of your bank branch it is perfectly possible to remaim with RBS if you are a satisfied customer to date.

Simply tell your "Relationship Manager" you are opting out of the Santander takeover and require assistance is transferring to a branch woth a Scottish sortcode.

My family have already taken this approach as living in rural Devon it is just as long for us to reach Edinburgh by air as it is to take the trin to London!

After 48 years with the RBS Group starting with Williams Deacons Bank I have no wish to sever a much valued connection with my bank. On any occasion when something wrong occurs - always mild such as a late arriving statement - I gently remind the person I am talking to that I first opened my account before they were born!

It works a treat and I shall certanly retain my RBS accounts by making the switch north oof the border.
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