Hey guys. I'm new to the forum, so i'll give a little backstory on me and how I got onto the forum.
So, I'm 19 years old, and currently studying Accounting with Corporate Finance in Edinburgh. I've always had an interest in finance from a young age for some weird reason.
I currently rent a flat with my friend, and it comes to just over £400 per month each.
Recently, I had the idea to possible get my foot in the market some time next year, and get started sooner rather than later. I'm by no means an expert in this field, so that's why i've come here to find more knowledge and seek help.
My plan, so far, is to look for a 2 bedroom flat in a "promising area". IE - One that isn't necessarily already busy and thriving, but one that I could see being there in 5 years or so. Live in it, for 4-6 years (Until i'm financially stable enough to increase my portfolio of property when i'm - fingers crossed - a fully qualified accountant), and then after I "move on" so to speak. Start renting it out, to get around about £800-1000 a month from rent.
In the 4-6 years while i'll be living there, I'll obviously have a spare room, which I'd likely be renting to a friend (Likely the one I live with currently). This would obviously bring down the monthly mortgage payments considerably...quite likely to make it less than I'd be paying to continue renting a flat.
As I said before, I'm definitely no expert, and I've not really got anyone in the family who's an expert I could ask either. It would be great to hear some advice, and criticisms.
Is this a possibility? Or should I just forget about it?