Hello BM,
This is my first post here, your plight was highlighted to me by a work colleague,
I have some experience of Detroit and I may be able to help you. I am currently setting up a Foster Care Program whereby we use affordable housing for the benefit of Foster Children and those phasing out of Foster Care in Michigan and beyond.
We are somewhat governed by location and I would be interested to know the address of your property, this will enable me to ascertain the level of help I can offer.
To start with, I can have the property looked at on your behalf and can independently assess the damage. I have a construction team in Michigan who will happily look at the viability of repairing your property. If your property is repairable, I am confident I can find you a suitable tenant through our Foster Care Program. This will certainly enable you to get some of your funds back and give you the asset you thought you owned.
The key to me being able to help is "location" - let's start by getting the property and surrounding neighborhood checked out for you.
If you wish to contact me personally, feel free to contact me at: