Hello BM,
Your property was viewed yesterday by a member of our team in Detroit, A couple of general observations were made.
1 - The property was not boarded up and had broken windows
2 - The "Block" on which the property sits has 7 other houses (all in a row) which would be considered uninhabitable.
I'm afraid to say, to spend anymore money on this property would not be wise. It is likely that if you refurbished the property to a living standard - to then find a tenant who would want to live there and pay you rent each month is very slim.
It's worth pointing out also:
You could be fined for not having your property boarded up,
You can be fined if the grass is not cut
You can be fined if snow is not cleared from the front of the property,
Your property will be accumulating taxes which are expensive in Detroit
Further to this:
I am not convinced setting up setting up an LLC will help you
However, I would strongly recommend you get the property out of your name ASAP, you are in danger of accumulating taxes and fines.
You could try contacting local realtor's / selling the property via Zillow
You could donate the property to a local organization in Detroit such as Blight-Busters.
I wish I could bring you better news but it appears that on this occasion it may be "time to cut your losses".