Easyrider;227830 wrote:My understanding is that in the UK most people earn less than the mean income and have little in the way of financial assets.
There is a thread on Mumsnet today where posters have shared some of their financial experiences and trust me it is a world apart from the types of conversations that pop up on these boards. The reality for many is not "Little in the way of financial assets", more endless stress, worry, anxiety and lack of control in trying to make ends meet, combined with debt from an uncontrolable imbalance of income Vs expenditure to cover a subsistence level of need.
I put myself in the "very privileged" bracket. I don't want for anything - I never have to go to the supermarket with a strict list and a calculator - if an unexpected expense pops up (kids school trip, vets bill, broken fridge) I have enough capacity to just pay for it outright - if I fancy a night out / new dress / flowers for the house I just buy them. My mortgage is minimal, my housing secure. Yes I could do without higher gas bills, but I'm not choosing between heat and food. Yes I could do without increased petrol costs, but I'm not running on fumes just to get to work. Touch wood we remain in good health and don't have to deal with the financial (as well as emotional) implications of long-term illness either of a physical or mental health nature.
I really hope the above doesn't come across as smug, I honestly don't mean it to. Just that I appreciate every day how fortunate i am with my lifestyle and, to go back to the original question, to me that makes me rich indeed.