Quote:pension pot valuations influenced by fluctuating annuity and discount rates
Puts a different perspective on the numbers if that is the case. The couple with a £400k house and £350k savings/investments - as £350k would equate to a 10-12k occupational pension between them.
There must be large numbers of people in civil service jobs that rise to 40-60k salaries over their career, accruing a 20-30k inflation protected pension worth £600k-£900k alone. So a couple with 1 such person and the other with no pension whatsoever would already be around median even if they owned no housing equity whatsoever.
I have always thought there should be more effort in schools to teach kids about the economics of life. I guess a large chunk of kids drift through unaware into a lifetime of low paid jobs without ever really being aware of where they are going financially.
If you want to be very comfortably off, get some qualifications, get married, both work full time, buy a house as soon as possible, do the house up yourself, don’t have kids, and save and invest. Don’t buy fancy cars, fancy phones, fags, or collect shoes and handbags.
Mass secure lifetime employment has withered away. In my 20’s I worked near a large corporate site with 14,000 people, now only 3000 work there. The same thing has happened across so many industries.