bédé;232838 wrote:I got accepted as a Commoner at 17 and preferred not to waste a 3rd tear in the Sixth. I got a State Scholarship based on my A & S-Levels and tthe odd £40 would have been deducted from that.. Because of my father's earnings, in the end the State paid nothing.
Because my father, and mother, were mean and controlling, I had less to spend that State grant people. Fortunately my father never understood Battels; I was able to supplement my meagre cash with a signature.
Unfortunately my father, having been at BNC, did understand battels so when I tried that dodge it was flatly rejected. I was, however, lucky to have a very generous godfather who took the very sensible view that one could far more usefully spend money in youth than in later life. Without that I would also have been on very short commons. There are many things to be said for Yorkshiremen, but an open hand has rarely been mentioned.