This forum seems to have quite a few climate-change deniers.
I suppose it fits in with extreme right-wing rhetoric on everything from the economy, the public sector, the NHS and the BBC.
Their views are expressed without a hint of uncertainty. I have always regarded people who express strong views on subjects they know little or nothing about, as rather dim.
They know that climate change is a fabrication, they are the experts and they shout in the same echo chamber.
Not everyone on this Forum fits into this category, perhaps just the more vocal.
My take - and as you expect it's informed, reasonable and reflective - is that climate change is taking place. It is happening. The evidence is strong and probably irrefutable.
The real issue is: is it a natural phenomenon or is it the result of human activity, or mainly or partly the result of human activity? And. if it's the latter, should or can we do anything about it?
I don't know the answer to this but many experts - more expert than both I and the self-appointed non-experts on this Forum - consider that human activity is playing a role of some significance in the planet getting warmer.
Therefore, just in case global warming is a consequence of human activity, or partly the result of human activity, it seems reasonable and sensible to me that we should therefore engage the precautionary principle, and try and reduce our carbon footprint.
If the planet is warming up at an increasing rate and this is a natural phenomenon and we can do nothing about it, then life on this planet as we know it is finished or at least severely compromised.
This could have major financial implications such as removing the justification for saving and investing in a pension.
If however human activity is a contrbutiong factor to global warming and we can mitigate the effects by modifying our behaviour, then surely we should give it a go?
Even if global warming is being fully or partially caused by human activity and, assuming it can be stopped or mitigated by changes in human behaviour, I have my doubts that the human race is capable of making the necessary adjustments.
But that won't stop me from modifying my lifestyle with a view to making it more sustainable.