"Climate Change Denier" is often a lazy phrase used to shut down anyone that wants to debate the official narrative (i.e. free speech).
Stuart Kirk (the former Head of Sustainable Investing at HSBC) was NOT a climate change denier, but ended up getting suspended from his job, just for pushing back a tiny bit against all of the rabid hysteria.
Here is his full presentation, where he (IMHO very eloquently) makes the case for responding to climate change by adaptation, rather than spending trillions up-front based on projections. If you don't like clicking on links just go to Youtube and search "FT Moral Money Stuart Kirk".
In fact, if you listen to him carefully, he actually says "I do not doubt the science at all". Evidently this was not enough for the mob though. Why? My guess is too many vested interests (reputations/careers of scientists/journalists, university research budgets, consultants fees for climate metrics, investment management fees, etc) in keeping the current big spending approach going. Also politicians and campaigners love creating a sense of crisis to make them appear virtuous.
Barry Norris at Argonaut also has an interesting piece arguing that we already have enough renewables, and adding more provides nil benefit:
In my opinion, continuing to spend £billions on renewables is more than a bit irresponsible until sufficient scale battery technology is developed (if it ever happens at all).